熱賣產品 實惠精選 (Hot Item)
即日現貨 (Stock in showroom)
新西蘭實木系列 (NZ wood)
*新西蘭木套餐價錢 (NZ set)
南美洲胡桃木(S. Walnut wood)
*南美洲胡桃木套餐價錢 (S. Walnut set)
罕有木現貨(Rare wood in stock)
樹脂木 (Epoxy Resin Wood)
樹脂板現貨(Epoxy in stock)
精選餐桌 (Premium Table)
特價精選套餐 (Table SET)
電視櫃(TV Board)
樹頭 (Log/Tree stool)
客戶回相 (Client reference)
黑胡桃木(Black Walnut)
非洲斑馬木 (Zebra)
非洲花梨木 (Okan Rosewood)
伸縮枱 (Extendable table)
實木椅子/梳化 (Wood Chair/Sofa)
茶几&小凳 (Coffee&Stool)
年輪茶几 (Annual ring table)
黑胡桃/實木製品 (Sundries)
岩板桌 (Sintered Stone table)
儲物櫃 (Cabinet)
實木書枱 (Solid wood Desk)
實木床架 (Solid wood Bed frame)
實木橡木書櫃 (Oak Book Shelf)
如何維護 (Maintenance)
貓爬架/貓籠/狗籠 (Cat & Dog Stuffs)
條款須知 (Terms&Conditions)
海外客人(Overseas client)
關於我們(About us)
聯絡我們(Contact us)
客戶清單(Our clients)
BIGI signature tree stool (different finishing)
BIGI signature armchair (Beige)
BIGI signature mini Sofa (different colors)
BiGi 實木椅子#K Solid wood chair (with PU leather Upholstery)
BiGi 實木椅子#K Solid wood chair (with Fabric Upholstery)
BiGi 實木椅子#I Solid wood chair (with PU leather/Fabric Upholstery)
BiGi 實木椅子#I Solid wood chair (with Wood Upholstery)
BiGi 實木椅子#A Solid wood chair (with Fabric/PU leather Upholstery)
BiGi 實木椅子#A Solid wood chair (with PU leather/Fabric/Wood Upholstery)
BiGi 實木椅子#A Solid wood chair (with Wood Upholstery)
BiGi 實木椅子#D Solid wood chair (with PU leather/Fabric Upholstery)
BiGi 實木椅子#E Solid wood chair (with PU leather/Fabric Upholstery)
BiGi 實木椅子#F Solid wood chair (with PU leather/Fabric Upholstery)
BiGi 實木椅子#L Solid wood chair (with PU leather/Fabric Upholstery)
BiGi 實木椅子#B Solid wood chair (with Rope Upholstery)
BiGi 實木椅子#J Solid wood chair (with Rattan Upholstery)
BiGi 實木椅子#OAK Solid wood chair (with Fabric/Wood Upholstery)
BiGi 實木椅子#C Solid wood chair (with PU leather/Fabric/Wood Upholstery)
BiGi 實木椅子#I Solid wood chair (with PU leather Upholstery)
BIGI Wood + Rattan chair CH-17a 實木藤製椅子
BIGI Solid wood chair CH-18 實木椅子 不同物料選擇
BiGi 實木椅子#CH-16
BiGi 實木椅子 CH-14 Solid wood chair
BiGi 實木椅子#G Solid wood chair (with PU leather or wood Upholstery)
BiGi 實木椅子#BS-M Solid wood chair (with wood Upholstery)
BiGi 實木椅子#BS-W Solid wood chair (with wood Upholstery)
BiGi 實木椅子#BS-WS Solid wood chair (with wood Upholstery)
BiGi 實木椅子#CH-7 Solid wood chair (with plastic Upholstery)
BiGi 實木椅子#CH-6 Solid wood chair (with wood Upholstery)
BiGi 南美胡桃木椅子 SAW-01 South America walnut chair
BiGi Solid wood Walnut short bench 60-80x50cm (Size: Customization available)
BiGi Solid wood Walnut short bench 50-60x50cm (Size: Customization availa
BiGi Solid wood Walnut bench with armrest 100-120x50cm (Size customization)
BiGi Solid wood Walnut long bench with seat back 160-180x40-50
BiGi Solid wood Ash bench with armrest 80-100x50cm (Size customization)
BiGi Solid wood Ash Chair 100-120x50cm (Size: Customization available)
BiGi Solid wood Ash Chair 50-60x50cm (Size: Customization available)
BiGi Solid wood Ash Chair 80-100x50cm (Size: Customization available)
BiGi Solid wood Walnut live edge bench with wood legs
BiGi Solid wood Walnut live edge bench
BiGi Solid wood Ash live edge bench
BiGi Solid wood Black Walnut stool or Coffee Tea table
BiGi 北美黑胡桃木全實木椅子 NW07 America black walnut chair