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Size: Around 75cm x 95cm, 8.5cm thickness

with wooden leg for free

Please inquire for more.

BIGI 南美胡桃木實木茶几 South America Solid walnut tea table

  • 一般產品
    請於收到貨後三天內報告, 有損壞及配件不齊全, 我們會作出補貨及更換,一般補貨及更換交貨期四至七天

    -木板方面- 沒有更換服務
    -腳部方面 - 若果質素問題/運輸途中損壞,本公司會作出更換


    General item
    -Please report for any defeated or missing item in 3 days against the date of goods received, it will takes 4-7 days for replacement.

    Furniture item
    -Same as above, but we just can replace the metal/wood leg in case of any damaged condition.

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