Please provide the following information for your dog
1. 前腳高度 (Lead Leg height)
2. 後腿高度 (Hind Leg height)
3. 臂寬 (Hip width)
4. 前腳後腿之間距離 (Distance between lead leg and hind leg)
5. 重量 (Weight)
6. 狗種 (dog bleed)
運輸詳情 一般來說7個工作天送達 免費
Delivery detail : Generally it will arrive in 7 working days for Free
BIGI 狗輪椅-回復同主人嘅快樂時光 專為後肢有問題狗狗而設 Dog Wheelchair-Going back to the happy moment
Unit price is in USD = HKD (x7.8)
價格以美金計算,若換算成港幣就 (x7.8)24 hrs contact
WhatsApp: 852-95755545
Mobile: 852-95755545
Skype: jason.bigi
Email: info@bigigroups.com